Barrett Foundation Housing Programs
Barrett Foundation’s housing programs are designed to provide supportive housing and housing case management for homeless individuals and families. The goals are to assist program participants in expeditiously moving them into housing, achieving their highest level of independence and self-sufficiency, and ending the cycle of homelessness.
The housing programs operate under the Housing First model which is the philosophy that people experiencing homelessness must first meet their physical needs and the need for safety and security. Then they are able to focus on higher levels of need, all of which are essential to a person’s health and a person’s ability to obtain independence.
NOTE: People interested in participating in our housing programs must be referred through the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness. Please call 505-217-9570 for more information.
Shelter to Rapid Re-Housing
BRIDGES is a Rapid Rehousing rental assistance program funded by the CABQ Department of Family and Community Services. Services are provided to an estimated 10 households of families with children under the age of 18, for up to 24 months in any 3-year period. If participating household has received Rapid Rehousing assistance elsewhere, the period of eligibility will be reduced. Income also impacts a participating household’s length of eligibility. Program participants are provided with case management to support services. To qualify for the program, participants must have been selected from the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness Coordinated Entry System (CES).
ESG (EMERGENCY SERVICES GRANT) is a Rapid Rehousing program that provides rental assistance to an estimated 10 households experiencing homelessness for up to 24 months in any 3-year period. Assistance can decrease for participants who have participated in Rapid Rehousing prior to entering Barrett’s RRH program. Income also impacts a participant’s length of eligibility. To qualify for the program, participants must be selected through the CES. Case management is provided to all program participants as well as support to identify housing.
Permanent Supportive Housing
SILVER LININGS is a Permanent Supportive Housing program that provides rental assistance for a minimum of 55 households experiencing homelessness. To qualify for the program, a household must be exiting a hotel designated by the City of Albuquerque, as a “Wellness Hotel” or have been referred through the CES. At least one member of the household must have a verified disability that is expected to be long-term or of indefinite duration. All program participants are provided with case management.
AMISTAD is a Permanent Supportive rental assistance program funded by the City of Albuquerque (CABQ) Department of Family and Community Services. The program provides services to up to 20 households with children under the age of 18. All participants have been referred by a motel/hotel designated by CABQ as a “Wellness Hotel”. One hundred percent of household served must have at least one member with a disability that is long-term or of indefinite duration. All program participants are provided with support and linkage to care. Participants are also assisted with identifying rental units. Case management is provided to all program participants. Housing assistance is indefinite or until a household can afford housing on their own, transition to another housing subsidy, or funding ends.
Motel Voucher Assistance
When funds are available, Barrett assists clients with motel voucher and limited case management services.